• MT4j



    MT4j - Multitouch for Java™ - is an open source Java™ development platform, created for rapid developement of graphically rich applications. MT4j is designed to support different kinds of input devices with a special focus on multitouch support.


        * can be used for 2D, 3D or 2.5D (pseudo-3D) applications
        * cross-platform (currently tested under Windows 7™, XP™, Vista™ and and Ubuntu Linux)
        * extensible, component based scene graph structure (similar to Java™'s swing framework)
        * input abstraction layer - support for all sorts of input devices can be easily added
        * supports the TUIO protocol, which is provided by finger and object tracking software such as Reactivision, CCV or Touché
        * flexible multitouch gesture system - you can define your own multitouch gestures
        * the most common multitouch gestures are already included and can be registered modularly with any component for a pluggable behaviour changeable at runtime
        * software or hardware accelerated graphics rendering (using OpenGL)
        * includes many graphical objects i.e.: rectangles, round rectangles, ellipses, polygons, lines, triangle meshes, spheres, cubes, etc. with support for textures, gradients, fill- and outline color
        * includes prebuilt UI components i.e. buttons, text labels, sliders and a multitouch enabled keyboard
        * support for loading and fast rendering of vector graphics from Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files
        * supports bitmap and vector fonts (SVG and True Type Fonts)
        * imports 3D objects from .3ds and .obj files with textures and creates normals for smooth shading
        * precise picking/selection of all geometric objects in 2D or 3D space - most gestures are supported in 3D
        * animation support
        * built on top of Processing, which allows you to use its many features and libraries
        * test your multitouch application by using one - or even multiple mice connected to your pc (Windows platforms)
        * MT4j is open source and released under the GPL License.

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