• LingPipe

    LingPipe是一个自然语言处理的Java开源工具包。 LingPipe目前已有很丰富的功能,包括主题分类(Top Classification)、命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition)、词性标注(Part-of Speech Tagging)、句题检测(Sentence Detection)、查询拼写检查(Query Spell Checking)、兴趣短语检测(Interseting Phrase Detection)、聚类(Clustering)、字符语言建模(Character Language Modeling)、医学文献下载/解析/索引(MEDLINE Download, Parsing and Indexing)、数据库文本挖掘(Database Text Mining)、中文分词(Chinese Word Segmentation)、情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)、语言辨别(Language Identification)等API。

    LingPipe is a suite of Java libraries for the linguistic analysis of human language.

    Feature Overview

    LingPipe's information extraction and data mining tools:

        * track mentions of entities (e.g. people or proteins);
        * link entity mentions to database entries;
        * uncover relations between entities and actions;
        * classify text passages by language, character encoding, genre, topic, or sentiment;
        * correct spelling with respect to a text collection;
        * cluster documents by implicit topic and discover significant trends over time; and
        * provide part-of-speech tagging and phrase chunking.


    LingPipe's architecture is designed to be efficient, scalable, reusable, and robust. Highlights include:

        * Java API with source code and unit tests;
        * multi-lingual, multi-domain, multi-genre models;
        * training with new data for new tasks;
        * n-best output with statistical confidence estimates;
        * online training (learn-a-little, tag-a-little);
        * thread-safe models and decoders for concurrent-read exclusive-write (CREW) synchronization; and
        * character encoding-sensitive I/O.

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