• Impala


    Impala is a dynamic module framework for Java-based web applications, based on the Spring Framework. With a focus on simplicity and productivity, Impala radically transforms application development using Spring and all the usual related technologies.

    With it's powerful dynamic reloading capability, Impala dramatically reduces build/deploy/test cycles, allowing you to spend more time coding and less time waiting for your application to reload.

    Unlike other Spring modularity projects, Impala does not depend on any third party runtime environments. Instead, it offers offers a simple, powerful and cohesive environment for truly modular application development and deployment that just works out of the box.
    What makes Impala different?

        * you can dynamically reload the parts of your application that have changed
        * you can dynamically select the parts you want to deploy
        * you can structure your application in a modular way
        * you can kickstart your project in a few easy steps
        * you can still do it in Java
        * you can use the powerful but still familiar Spring programming model
        * you can fine tune your Spring config painlessly, even for complex apps
        * you can free yourself from application context XML hell!
        * you can do it all on for web apps using Spring MVC
        * or you can use your favourite Java web framework
        * you can develop in an interactive, TDD-friendly way
        * you can write full integration test suites that execute in seconds, not minutes
        * you can build your application without having to write your own build scripts
        * you can pull your dependencies directly from a Maven repository
        * but otherwise you don't actually need to use Maven!
        * you can develop your application entirely within your IDE
        * but you don't need to install any IDE plugins! a

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