• Perfmon4j


    PerfMon4j™ is a software API designed to diagnose and monitor application performance while the software is under load. It allows monitoring application on many levels, including:

        * Method  via declarative programming using Java Annotations.
        * Method level via the Java Agent Instrumentation API.
        * Servlet Request level via a Servlet Filter.
        * Arbitrary code execution point via inserted timers.

    Additional facilities enable monitoring web request, client browser information and arbitrary system health information

    Perfmon4j should not be confused with a profiler.  While profilers are typically used to snapshot performance in test environments Perfmon4j provides an API to build performance monitors into your application.  Like a profiler, Perfmon4j can monitor Java classes/methods at the byte code level without inserting custom code.  Perfmon4j  provides features beyond those typically found in profilers to enable the creation of a comprehensive monitoring system that enables detailed metrics on the usage and performance of your deployed system under load.  These features include:

        * Random Sampling -
        * UserAgent Tracking (For Web based applications)
        * Arbitrary timings based on code insertion
        * Nested timings
        * Monitor throughput and maximum concurrent threads
        * Monitor arbitrary server metrics.
        * Extremely low overhead when monitoring is disabled
        * Extendable appender can be used to write data metrics to a variety of output formats.
        * Arbitrary timings based on method parameters

    Perfmon4j is an API designed to integrate performance monitoring and logging into your enterprise application.  It is intended to be deployed in production environment to monitor detailed system metrics and usage pattern. 

    Perfmon4j has proven to be a powerful and effective tool in monitoring large scale enterprise applications under load. 

        * Interval Timing
        * Java Agent Instrumentation of code
        * Runtime configuration through XML Based Configuration files
        * Servlet Request Monitoring
        * Java Stack Trace Sampling
        * Interval Monitoring
        * Snapshot Monitor Support

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    Atlassian Profiling:一个可在运行期剖析应程序的简单框架.它主要是运用在J2EE Web应用程序.
    EJP:EJP(Extensible Java Profiler ) 开源的Java剖析工具,它使用一个可升级的,可扩展的体系结构.一个Java剖析工具是用来优化Java程序性能的开发工具,它帮助你找出并移除运行开销大的部分.EJP基于JVMPI(Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface )可用来监控Java应用程序一小部分的执行情况并把它用一些突出的元素在分层的树上表示出来.
    org.inmemprofiler: org.inmemprofiler是一个基于Instrumentation的内存Profiler。
    利用 Java 代码,即 java.lang.instrument 做动态 Instrumentation 是 Java SE 5 的新特性,它把 Java 的 instrument 功能从本地代码中解放出来,使之可以用 Java 代码的方式解决问题。使用 Instrumentation,开发者可以构建一个独立于应用程序的代理程序(Agent),用来监测和协助运行在 JVM 上的程序,甚至能够替换和修改某些类的定义。有了这样的功能,开发者就可以实现更为灵活的运行时虚拟机监控和 Java 类操作了,这样的特性实际上提供了一种虚拟机级别支持的 AOP 实现方式,使得开发者无需对 JDK 做任何升级和改动,就可以实现某些 AOP 的功能了。
    在 Java SE 6 里面,instrumentation 包被赋予了更强大的功能:启动后的 instrument、本地代码(native code)instrument,以及动态改变 classpath 等等。这些改变,意味着 Java 具有了更强的动态控制、解释能力,它使得 Java 语言变得更加灵活多变。
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