• Pustefix


    Open Source

    Pustefix is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1. This allows you to distribute your Pustefix applications as Open Source or commercial applications. Furthermore, you have full access to the source code which allows you to make modifications to Pustefix itself and be able to implement the features you desire.
    MVC Paradigm

    Pustefix enforces a clean separation between your models, business logic and the presentation layout. This leads to a clean architecture and separation of the different application concerns. You may change the complete layout of the application of your applications without changing any of your Java classes.
    Recursive XSL Engine

    The view layer in Pustefix is powered by an XSL engine which applies recursive XSL transformations to your web sites. This allows you to build frontend components which can be modified in a central stylesheet. By applying more than one transformation, the layout and the structure of your components can be separated.
    Multilingual applications

    Pustefix provides an easy way to provide an application in as many languages as you need. The language can be set depending on server settings, browser configuration or selected by the user at runtime. Full UTF-8 support provides everything you need to conquer new markets.
    AJAX and SOA

    The web service support in Pustefix makes your application available to different clients. Pustefix provides built-in support for SOAP, JSON and qooxdoo RPC. JavaScript proxy clients can be generated at build time or on demand at run-time. New web services can easily be plugged in thanks to the modular architecture of Pustefix.
    Variants & themes

    Create virtual copies of your website that are served to your customers based on custom conditions. Test which workflow fits your users best and steadily optimise your application by analyzing user behaviour or create different themes for your application and let the users chose their favourite theme.

    Pustefix comes with a role based authentication and authorization system. Serve different content to your users based on their current roles and deny access to restricted content or features. You can either use the built-in role system or plug-in custom roles and constraints to control the access to your application.
    Modular architecture

    Create modular applications by combining your functionality in different modules that can be deployed to your applications. Pustefix modules feature business logic in Java and JavaScript, resources for the view layer and any configuration files. The build process will take care of all needed steps to install your modules and even execute custom post-install scripts of your modules.

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    Play Framework:Play Framework是一个功能完整的Java Web开发框架。采用RESTful架构设计,简便灵活。Play Framework使用MVC模式作为Web层,集成Hibernate管理持久层,Play Framework还使用一个基于Groovy的模板引擎。
    Suco:Suco是一个能够让GWT客户端实现代码简洁与模块化的框架。Suco主要关注两个方面:一.保持系统的模块化(使用IoC模式实现)。二.提供一个简单并且可扩展的publisher/subscriber(Event/Listener)机制。Suco IoC完全基于Google's Guice IoC框架的思想,拥有Container、Provider、Factory和Scope等概念。
    RIFE/Crud:RIFE/Crud是RIFE Web框架的一个扩展模块,它可以用给定的POJOs自动生成CRUD web应用程序。它没有生成任何文件所有的事件都是在运行期进行.利用RIFE提供的 site-structure可以把它与你应用程序的数据流与逻辑流相结合.
    Wabacus: JAVA通用快速开发平台(The Rapid Platform For J2EE Development)1、Wabacus框架是一个JAVA开发框架,提供完整的前后台服务,所以与JQuery,Ext等纯客户端框架不同,它能实现完整的SSH框架实现的功能,但是开发效率比SSH框架快好几倍;2、Wabacus框架对项目没有任何侵入,因此可以与任意框架(包括SSH)共存于一个项目,也就是说部分用Wabacus快速开发,部分Wabacus目前不支持的(比如webservice、全文检索等)则用SSH或其它框架开发。 3、这里广泛使用的“报表”术语,不是指真正意义上的报表,只是一个习惯称呼,Wabacus框架也不仅仅是一个报表工具,而是一个JAVA开发框架,或称快速开发平台。Wabacus框架主要特点: 支持热部署,增、删、改应用后,无需重启服务或redeploy,只需访问/ShowReport.wx?ACTIONTYPE=updateconfig即可。
    收录时间:2011-04-15 14:14:22
    Verge:Verge框架是一个开源J2EE应用程序框架完全采用Java开发只使用到标准的J2EE APIs.这个开源项目的目的为开发企业应用程序提供一个非常灵活和可扩展的框架.
    ROMA:ROMA是一个完全基于POJO的Web框架。整个框架采用Ruby On Rails的设计思想,利用该框架能够实现Ajax数据库Web Apps的快速开发。
    Brill Framework:这是一个让你只需用Java与XHTML技术就能够开发交互式Web站点的开源框架。它目的就是开发出一个简单,支持WYSIWYG页面编辑而不需要编写 Java代码或在JSP页中使用特殊标签的框架。开发基于Java的Web应用程序通常是使用MVC设计模式和JSP技术,而Brill Framework虽然也使用MVC设计模式但在页面技术上它使用XHTML来代替JSP。XHTML的使用能够提高开发Web应用程序的效率与质量,从而减少了成本。
    WebGalileo Faces:WebGalileo Faces是一组加入Ajax技术的JSF组件。组件包括:容器(container),面板(panel),左右列表(dual list),菜单(menu),日期和时间组件,流程图组件(flow chart)。WebGalileo Faces已经内建支持多种IDE包括Sun Java Studio Creator,IBM Rational Application Developer,Oracle JDeveloper和Eclipse。
    JBlooming:JBlooming是一个Java Web开发框架,这个框架尽可能得使用Java API和面向对象的思想来设计接口,所以没有使用标签。而是使用面向对象的Jsp模板技术。JBlooming主要的特点包括:灵活和强大:这个框架能够让你在任何情况下都可以使用java/jsp/html/js (包括AJAX)技术。一组成熟,漂亮的html组件并且可以很方便地切换到其它皮肤。提供自身校验功能。不需要使用XML,所有的配置都放在JSP中。这个框架还易于使用,而且确实能够提高我们的开发效率和程序的可维护性。