• Waffle

    Waffle是一个类似于Rails的Web框架支持基于POJO的Actions,依赖注入,并且它没有依赖任何XML配置文件。采用waffle开发应用程序将比其它Web框架更加简单,而且易于测试。利用Waffle框架来开发Web应用程序只需要知道三件事情: *.Actions - 在Waffle框架中的action不需要继承或实现任何特定的类或接口。因为一个action就是一个(Pojo)。 *.Events - 在Waffle框架中一个事件对应Action类中的一个方法。使用任何方法可以不管它的标记(signature)或返回类型。Waffle将会根据事件的返回作出不同的响应。 *.Registrar - Registrar是你要注册Actions与其它公共组件的地方而当前大多数web框架需要你的应用程序创建特定的XML文件来做这些事件。使用Waffle可以让你把更多的时间发在开发程序逻辑上。 还可以很方便地扩展Waffle来添加对AJAX的支持。

    Waffle is a Java web framework that makes the process of developing Java based web applications easier. It was built to support enterprise level web-based business applications, but with the least possible number of source lines to achieve that.

    Waffle is different from the multitude of web frameworks that exist today, in that Waffle:

        * has no mandatory XML configuration files (beyond a minimalist web.xml required by any J2EE-compliant webapp)
        * is interoperable with best-of-breed UI templating technologies
        * does not have a base controller class to extend or interface to implement
        * has controller classes that can support multiple actions, each a single method rather than a sequence of initialiation/settter/execute methods
        * has a small learning curve

    Application built upon Waffle only need to be aware of three things:

       1. Controllers - in Waffle a Controller class is simply a plain old Java object (POJO), ie it does not need to extend or implement any specific class or interface.
       2. Action Method - in Waffle an Action Method is simply a method defined in your Controller class (and optionally annotated with @ActionMethod). Any method can be used regardless of its signature or return type. Waffle will react differently depending on what is returned from the ActionMethod, see Action Methods for further details.
       3. Registrar - the Registrar class is where the Controllers, and other components your application depends on, are registered. Typically, most web frameworks require your applications to create special XML file(s) for this, but int Waffle Registrars are Java objects that allow you to implement your business logic more efficiently. Of course, Waffle does allow - but does not mandate - a Registrar to read a configuration from a file, be it XML or a scripting language.

    Additionally, Waffle provides:

        * Transparent REST functionality for controllers.
        * Transparent JSON functionality for controllers.

    Choices of markup language

    As Waffle does not come with a HTML markup technology, it plays well with other 'best practice' and established solutions, such as:

        * JSP - with or without supplied taglibs
        * Freemarker
        * Velocity
        * Ruby's ERB

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    收录时间:2011-05-08 15:13:53
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    ◆ 工作流引擎,
    ◆ 用户管理,
    ◆ 访问控制与综合权限管理,
    ◆ 一个配置框架(jConfig),
    ◆ 支持JSP,XML,XSL,velocity,freemarker等,
    ◆ i18n支持,
    ◆ 用户剖析(profiling),
    ◆ jcron(指定在某一个时间运行Jobs)等.
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    其实现基于现有的许多技术,比如:OSGi, Vaadin, Spring和Hibernate