• Ajax Pagination script


    Ajax Pagination script

    Description: This script lets you include content from multiple pages and display them on demand, using Ajax. Pagination links are automatically created, with each page downloaded only when requested (speeding up delivery and saving on bandwidth. An overview of this script now:

        * Each page within the paginated content is fetched individually and only when requested for sake of efficiency.
        * The pagination DIV for each Ajax Pagination instance can be positioned anywhere and duplicated multiple times on the page, such as having both a top and bottom pagination DIV.
        * You can limit the range of the visible pagination links shown, incremented automatically. This is very useful for Ajax Pagination instances with a lot of pages. v1.2
        * The settings for each Ajax Pagination instance- a list of files to display plus the selected page- is stored neatly as a JavaScript object for ease of portability. This variable can be manually defined or dynamically written out based on information returned from the sever, such as via PHP/ MySQL.
        * Each Ajax Pagination instance can be refreshed with new content by feeding a new settings variable to it on the fly, with the pagination links updated automatically to match.
        * Session only persistence enabled by default to persist the last page user viewed when navigating away then returning to the webpage containing the script. v1.2

    This script is ideal for showing multi-page content such as "user comments" without reloading the rest of the page each time a comment page is requested.

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