• jCore

    jCore是一个多网站内容管理系统,采用PHP+MySQL开发。它主要由两部分组成:jCore server(控制所有模块和libraries);jCore client (剥离自系统核心,其它用到的程序都来自服务器)。jCore提供的特性包括:多语言支持,动态表单(Form),RSS供稿制作,横幅广告管理,会员管理,相册,文件共享,链接SEO优化,自定义404错误页面等。

    jCore is a Multi Site web Content Management System build especially for webmasters (using the well known LAMP environment) who have to maintain multiple websites for their clients and they would like to keep the source codes up to date and easily fix bugs for all clients at once.

    jCore has two main systems, jCore Server - which holds all the libraries and modules you can build on, and jCore Client - which is the stripped version of the core system without any libraries as it uses the ones from the core.

    The main thing about jcore is that it is written from 0 which should make developer's life easier to understand the coding and extend them. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to add comments to the codes but please don;t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

    The current jCore has the following features included and implemented:

        *      Dynamic Web 2.0 Layout
          You build up your site from scrach using blocks (divs) and customizing them with css/js.
        *      Multilanguage Support
          Using PHP's implemented translation functionality you can translate any port of the site.
        *      Multiple Menus
          Have multiple menus for e.g. Top Menu, Bottom Menu, Left Menu on your site with unlimited menu items.
        *      Content Management
          Manage your site's content with a WYSIWYG editor and attach files/pictures to them.
        *      Dynamic Forms
          Create submit forms with custom fileds and store or send valus trough email.
        *      Extensibility (Modules)
          Extend your site with further functionality like Photogallery or a File sharing module and so on.
        *      Content Codes
          Include posts, modules, blocks, forms and other are of your site in your posts/blocks contents.
        *      RSS Feeds
          Keep your readers up to date with rss feeds.
        *      Advertisements
          Easily place ad codes / banners on your site and earn money.
        *      Members Management
          Manage your site members or send out mass emails to let them know about news.
        *      SEO Friendly Links
          Have your links reendered in a human friendly way so people can remember them easily.
        *      Brute Force Protection
          Will protect you from brute force attacks on your user's accounts.
        *      Password Trading Protection
          Will protect you from password traders / sharers and notify you of compromised accounts.
        *      Custom 404 Error Page
          Instead of showing a 404 Url Not found page you can customize to show your own text within your own site.
        *      Custom Maintenance Text
          Will let you close your site for maintenance with your own notification text while you are making updates to your site.

    These would be the more important features of the jCore but for a real deal you should have a deeper look on things.

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