• Python正则表达式的用法(1. 匹配)
    时间:2008-12-18   作者:佚名   出处:互联网



    1 regex = ur " " #正则表达式
    2 if  re.search(regex, subject):
    3     do_something()
    4 else :
    5     do_anotherthing()


    1 regex = ur " \Z" #正则表达式末尾以\Z结束
    2 if  re.match(regex, subject):
    3     do_something()
    4 else :
    5     do_anotherthing()

    3.创建一个匹配对象,然后通过该对象获得匹配细节(Create an object with details about how the regex matches (part of) a string)

    1 regex = ur " " #正则表达式
    2 match  =  re.search(regex, subject)
    3 if  match:
    4     # match start: match.start()
    5     # match  end  (exclusive): match. end ()
    6     # matched text: match.group()
    7     do_something()
    8 else :
    9     do_anotherthing()

    4.获取正则表达式所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by the regex)

    1 regex = ur " "  #正则表达式
    2 match  =  re.search(regex, subject)
    3 if  match:
    4     result  =  match.group()
    5 else :
    6     result  =   ""

    5. 获取捕获组所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by a capturing group)

    1 regex = ur " "  #正则表达式
    2 match  =  re.search(regex, subject)
    3 if  match:
    4     result  =  match.group( 1 )
    5 else :
    6     result  =   ""

    6. 获取有名组所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by a named group)

    1 regex = ur " "  #正则表达式
    2 match  =  re.search(regex, subject)
    3 if  match:
    4     result  =  match.group( " groupname " )
    5 else :
    6     result  =   ""

    7. 将字符串中所有匹配的子串放入数组中(Get an array of all regex matches in a string)

    1 result  =  re.findall(regex , subject)

    8.遍历所有匹配的子串(Iterate over all matches in a string)

    1 for  match in re.finditer(r " <(.*?)\s*.*?/\1> " , subject)
    2     # match start: match.start()
    3     # match  end  (exclusive): match. end ()
    4     # matched text: match.group()

    9.通过正则表达式字符串创建一个正则表达式对象(Create an object to use the same regex for many operations)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(regex)

    10.用法1的正则表达式对象版本(use regex object for if/else branch whether (part of) a string can be matched)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(regex)
    2 if  reobj.search(subject):
    3     do_something()
    4 else :
    5     do_anotherthing()

    11.用法2的正则表达式对象版本(use regex object for if/else branch whether a string can be matched entirely)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(r " \Z " ) #正则表达式末尾以\Z 结束
    2 if  reobj.match(subject):
    3     do_something()
    4 else :
    5     do_anotherthing()

     12.创建一个正则表达式对象,然后通过该对象获得匹配细节(Create an object with details about how the regex object matches (part of) a string)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(regex)
    2 match  =  reobj.search(subject)
    3 if  match:
    4     # match start: match.start()
    5     # match  end  (exclusive): match. end ()
    6     # matched text: match.group()
    7     do_something()
    8 else :
    9     do_anotherthing()

    13.用正则表达式对象获取匹配子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by the regex)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(regex)
    2 match  =  reobj.search(subject)
    3 if  match:
    4     result  =  match.group()
    5 else :
    6     result  =   ""

     14.用正则表达式对象获取捕获组所匹配的子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by a capturing group)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(regex)
    2 match  =  reobj.search(subject)
    3 if  match:
    4     result  =  match.group( 1 )
    5 else :
    6     result  =   ""

     15.用正则表达式对象获取有名组所匹配的子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by a named group)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(regex)
    2 match  =  reobj.search(subject)
    3 if  match:
    4     result  =  match.group( " groupname " )
    5 else :
    6     result  =   ""

    16.用正则表达式对象获取所有匹配子串并放入数组(Use regex object to get an array of all regex matches in a string)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(regex)
    2 result  =  reobj.findall(subject)

    17.通过正则表达式对象遍历所有匹配子串(Use regex object to iterate over all matches in a string)

    1 reobj  =  re.compile(regex)
    2 for  match in reobj.finditer(subject):
    3     # match start: match.start()
    4     # match  end  (exclusive): match. end ()
    5     # matched text: match.group(

